Habitat for Humanity of North Louisiana is an affiliate in good standing of Habitat for Humanity International of Americus, Georgia and are qualified as a Section 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax deductible. Our joint, Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service Group Exemption number for Tax-exempt status is 8545. Habitat for Humanity of North Louisiana, Inc. is assigned Federal Employer Identification Number 72-1262553.


Ever wish you could multiply your gift to Habitat for Humanity of North Louisiana? Here is a way-employer matching contributions. Thousands of companies have Matching Gift programs which double, or even triple individual, tax-deductible contributions made by their employees. Check our list of Matching Gift partners or ask your personnel office about your company’s Matching Gift program.


Many of our partners support Habitat through planned gifts, which may qualify for significant tax deductions. Giving options include bequests, charitable gift annuities, and charitable remainder trusts. To find out how you can financially benefit Habitat for Humanity of North Louisiana and provide a lasting legacy, contact us at (318) 323-8003.


A charitable gift of stocks or bonds provides an opportunity for tax savings while generously sharing with others. A gift of stock owned for more than one year entitles you to a charitable deduction for the full market value at the time the gift is made. If the stock has appreciated, you also avoid a capital gains tax on the appreciation. In addition to helping HFHNL, you may diversify away from low-basis, long-term holdings into other assets that will better suit your current needs. If you would like to discuss a gift of stocks or bonds, please contact us at (318) 323-8003.